2 Tbsp. matcha (or 2 Tbsp. powdered green tea pearls)
2/3 cup sugar
4 egg yolks

  • mix sugar and matcha, then stir in yolks

2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. vanilla

  • heat cream, milk, and salt over a low heat while stirring constantly, until 160°F
  • pour in thin stream into matcha mixture while stirring
  • return to pot and heat while stirring constantly, until back up to 160°F
  • remove from heat and chill in an ice bath until bringing temperature down to 80°F
  • pour through a mesh strainer, add vanilla, mix well, and cover with cling film pressed against the surface to prevent a skin from forming
  • chill for at least an hour then freeze in ice cream maker according to directions