198g powdered sugar
113g almond flour
113g egg whites (4 large)
1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
100g sugar
food coloring (optional)
3 drops vanilla

  • pulse powdered sugar and almond flour in food processor for 15 seconds, set aside
  • whip egg whites and cream of tartar in stand mixer until foamy
  • add sugar and whip until whites are glossy
  • add color and vanilla and continue whipping until lines are visible on the surface and stiff peaks have formed
  • fold in almond mixture in three increments
  • paint the mixture halfway up the side of the bowl, then scrape down, repating two or three times until the mixture slides down the side of the bowl

  • trace circles on parchment paper and turn over so batter doesn’t touch ink
  • fit piping bag with 3/8” tip, fill with batter and fill the circles
  • slam the baking sheet on the counter 4-6 times, then punch each end of the baking sheet bottom twice.
  • let uncooked batter dry until dull (but not completely dry), about 20-30 minutes, depending on humidity.
  • preheat oven while macarons are drying. bake at 330°F for 11-15 minutes, until they relese without sticking.
  • let cool on the baking sheet for 10 minutes before removing to a cooling rack.

adding additional flavors:

  • add alcohol/extract based flavor with the vanilla, 2-3 drops
  • add powdered fruit/spice/tea based flavors with the almond flour, up to 1 tsp.
  • do not add oil-based flavorings, since they will make the macarons blotchy.

source: Craftsy “Miniature French Desserts: Macarons, Madeleines & More”, p. 9-10.