
200ml (6 3/4 oz.) milk
50g (3 1/2 Tbsp.) butter
500g (3 2/3 cups) flour
75g (6 Tbsp.) sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
10g (1 tsp.) dry yeast
2 large eggs

  • heat milk and butter until melted
  • add to mixer with remaining ingredients and mix until the dough is smooth and elastic (about 7 minutes).
  • cover and let rise until the dough has doubled, about 1 hour


55g (1/4 cup) butter, softened
150g (2/3 cup) brown sugar
4 tsp. cinnamon

  • roll dough into large rectangle and spread with butter, leaving one edge dry
  • mix brown sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over buttered dough
  • roll into a tight roll and slice into 9 or 12 rolls
  • put rolls in buttered pan, cover, and let rise for 30-60 minutes
  • optional: refrigerate overnight before rising, and warm up in a 130°F oven in the morning
  • bake at 350°F for 22-25 minutes, until lightly golden, then cool in pan for 15 minutes

note: you can also use nutella instead of the cinnamon filling.


100g (3 1/2 oz.) cream cheese, softenened
1 Tbsp. simple syrup or milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
125g (1 cup) powdered sugar

  • mix cream cheese, syrup, and vanilla until runny
  • add salt and powdered sugar and mix until smooth

source: based on cranberry orange cinnamon rolls

01/07/2023: doing some cleanup and removing the “#3” from the title — these are the cinnamon rolls i make all the time and they should be just “cinnamon rolls”.